In my 10+ years in software I've made parts of MS Office, built data tooling and did data science for products with 100+ mil. users
Here I summarize the best lessons from the industry.
Probability Interview Questions
Basic probability. Counting. Generating random numbers. Probability distributions. Probabilistic algorithms.
Git ignore node modules - Simple Solution and Common Gotchas
Add the following line to your .gitignore file node_modulesIt
SQL Group by Month - Examples in MySQL and Postgres
Quick Summary In MySQL you'll want to group by two
Leetcode Two Sum - The Optimal Solution in Python
Two Sum is a rather famous coding interview problem, often
JSONPath in Python - Examples, Syntax and Tutorial
What is JSONPath? JSONPath is a query language for selecting
Pi in Python
Quick Summary Use the math.pi constant import math print(
What does git stand for?
Git is an open source distributed version control system. It
gitroot – a Simple Command to Navigate to the Root of a Git Repo
One thing that always annoyed me is returning to top
25+ Bad Leadership Quotes
Most terrible bosses have several common traits: They rarely or